Technical Research Team Info and Application
questions ? 2020-2023

We love sea life BUT our boats should not become a living reef !

Save labor & money on haul-out & bottom paint costs

by extending the interval between your haul-outs!

Don’t take our word for it!

Be part of our Technical Research Team and get our products RISK-FREE !!!

If you are not satisfied by the results, you will get your money back and

if you are satisfied, you will get a 50% discount on re-orders!

Help us improve our formulas for all different aquatic environments and sailing profiles.

Repeated testing has shown clearly lower & delayed growth of barnacles & hard shells on

vessels, both traveling or staying at a dock, regardless of the type & brand of paint used.

Reduce your fuel consumption by having clean hulls & reduce harmful emissions.

Our unique Eco-friendly formula inhibits growth with ingredients that are

not toxic to fish life. Does not contain TBT or other toxic ingredients.

Our original formula contains less than 0.1% copper when mixed with your paint.

Our copper-free formula is suited for aluminum boats and where new regulations

ban copper entirely.

Our paint additive will boost the effectiveness of the new

regulation-compliant paints that too often lack longevity!

Easy to mix 2-step instructions:

1. Mix Zwetke Antifouling Booster powder with ~1/3 cup /100ml of

thinner (compatible/recommended by your paint manufacturer)

2. add to your anti-fouling paint and mix throughly (using paddle

by hand or drill) Note: Keep mixing paint in your pot every so

often to keep paint homogeneous and not let solid ingredients

concentrate on the bottom of the can. Works with both hard and

ablative antifouling paints.


Can I just mix the dry powder to the antifouling paint without pre-diluting in thinner? Some users did it and were

satisfied with the results! We still recommend pre-mixing in compatible thinner first

Can Zwetke Marine Bottom Paint Booster protect against mussels and other marine organisms growth? Yes, Zwetke

Antifouling Booster will discourage growth of barnacles & hard shell marine organisms but will not harm fish life.

How does Zwetke Antifouling Booster work? Its highly effective ingredients adds extra inhibiting properties to your

antifouling paint.

Is Zwetke Antifouling Booster environmentally-friendly? Yes. the studies show that it does not harm fish life.

How long can I expect between haul-outs? Due to the varieties of paints, geographic locations and boat usage

types, it would be impossible to advance any exact period , but testimonials are quite positive!

Will Zwetke Antifouling Booster still be effective after the boat was dry-docked for the winter? Yes, but remember

that our product is a Booster and if your original anti-fouling is completely ineffective, the effectiveness of our

booster will be harder to notice! Our product works in concert with your anti-fouling paint … it is not a substitute!

What is the shelf life of Zwetke Antifouling Booster? Shelf life is 3 years from date of manufacturing. Check the date

printed on the instruction sheet coming with the product.

Will Zwetke Antifouling Booster affect the performance of my boat? No. It is completely mixed with your bottom

paint and should not create any extra drag.

How much money will your product help me save? Think how much you end up spending per haul-out as far as in/out +

laydays + labor & paint costs. Compare that with the low cost of our product and decide!

I am still hesitant about so-called miracle products! We understand as we are cruisers ourselves and that is why we

offer our unique 100% satisfation guarantee Technical Research Team program. Try it Risk-Free!

Original formula (contain <0.1% copper) ZAB-O-10G for 4 l / 1 gal of antifouling ZAB-O-50G for 20 l / 5 gal of antifouling Copper-free formula recommended for Aluminum hulls ZAB-CF-10G for 4 l / 1 gal of antifouling ZAB-CF-50G for 20 l / 5 gal of antifouling 2020-2022

We love sea life BUT

our boats should not

become a living reef!

Save labor & money on haul-out & bottom paint costs

by extending the interval between your haul-outs!

Don’t take our word for it! Look at some testimonials

Be part of our Technical Research Team and get our

products RISK-FREE !!! If you are not satisfied by the

results, you will get your money back and if you are

satisfied, you will get a 50% discount on re-orders!

Help us improve our formulas for all different

aquatic environments and sailing profiles.

Repeated testing has shown clearly lower & delayed

growth of barnacles & hard shells on vessels, both

traveling or staying at a dock, regardless of the type &

brand of paint used. Reduce your fuel consumption by

having clean hulls & reduce harmful emissions.

Our unique Eco-friendly formula inhibits growth

with ingredients that are not toxic to fish life.

Does not contain TBT or other toxic ingredients.

Our original formula contains less than 0.1%

copper when mixed with your paint. Our

copper-free formula is suited for aluminum

boats and where new regulations ban copper


Our paint additive will boost the effectiveness

of the new regulation-compliant paints that too

often lack longevity!

Easy to mix 2-step instructions:

1. Mix Zwetke Antifouling Booster powder

with ~1/3 cup /100ml of thinner

(compatible/recommended by your paint


2. add to your anti-fouling paint and mix

throughly (using paddle by hand or drill)

Note: Keep mixing paint in your pot every so

often to keep paint homogeneous and not let

solid ingredients concentrate on the bottom

of the can. Works with both hard and

ablative antifouling paints.


Can I just mix the dry powder to the antifouling

paint without pre-diluting in thinner? Some users did

it and were satisfied with the results! We still

recommend pre-mixing in compatible thinner first

Can Zwetke Marine Bottom Paint Booster protect

against mussels and other marine organisms growth?

Yes, Zwetke Antifouling Booster will discourage

growth of barnacles & hard shell marine organisms

but will not harm fish life.

How does Zwetke Antifouling Booster work? Its

highly effective ingredients adds extra inhibiting

properties to your antifouling paint.

Is Zwetke Antifouling Booster environmentally-

friendly? Yes. the studies show that it does not harm

fish life.

How long can I expect between haul-outs? Due to

the varieties of paints, geographic locations and

boat usage types, it would be impossible to advance

any exact period , but testimonials are quite


Will Zwetke Antifouling Booster still be effective

after the boat was dry-docked for the winter? Yes, but

remember that our product is a Booster and if your

original anti-fouling is completely ineffective, the

effectiveness of our booster will be harder to

notice! Our product works in concert with your anti-

fouling paint … it is not a substitute!

What is the shelf life of Zwetke Antifouling

Booster? Shelf life is 3 years from date of

manufacturing. Check the date printed on the

instruction sheet coming with the product.

Will Zwetke Antifouling Booster affect the

performance of my boat? No. It is completely mixed

with your bottom paint and should not create any

extra drag.

How much money will your product help me save?

Think how much you end up spending per haul-out

as far as in/out + laydays + labor & paint costs.

Compare that with the low cost of our product and


I am still hesitant about so-called miracle products!

We understand as we are cruisers ourselves and

that is why we offer our unique 100% satisfation

guarantee Technical Research Team program.

Try our Antifouling Booster Risk-Free!

Original formula (contain <0.1% copper) ZAB-O-10G for 4 l / 1 gal of antifouling ZAB-O-50G for 20 l / 5 gal of antifouling Copper-free formula recommended for Aluminum hulls ZAB-CF-10G for 4 l / 1 gal of antifouling ZAB-CF-50G for 20 l / 5 gal of antifouling